Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Care & Maintenance

Your makeup is only as good as the tools you use to apply it. Therefore, your tools must always be in their best condition. That means clean brushes/sponges, sharpened tweezers, makeup containers are in their perfect shape, and makeup that's not too old.

A good set of brushes should last for several years if they are in their best condition. It is important to wash them regularly. I recommend using Sephora Daily Brush Cleaner in between uses. It is affordable and works great!
^I did a review on this product... here's the link:
However, if you want something more cleansing I recommend Sephora Purifying Bush Shampoo.
*It is also important to store your brushes properly (either in a neat brush roll that has individual slots for each brush or upright in a pencil cup)

You can buy disposable synthetic sponge wedges at the drugstore that work well and are inexpensive. You can wash them (only a few times) before you throw them out.
High quality sponges can be washed many times before they need to be replaced.

When tweezers get dull- they are no longer effective at grabbing on to and removing hair.
Some of the better brands, such as Tweezerman, come with a lifetime guarantee that includes free sharpening whenever necessary. That's one of the reason Tweezerman Tweezers are my favorite!

Many people don't even realize the importance of taking care of eyelash curlers. Dirt can build up on the rubber pads that line the inside of a curler that are there to protect the lashes. They can wear out or break apart, so they must be replaced. Most eyelash curlers come with a set of replacement pads....Keep them!! Don't throw them out!!! They are very useful!

Examine the contents of your makeup collection. Take out anything that is broken or missing a cap.
-You can pour liquid foundation into a fresh bottle
-Scoop out creams and lipsticks and transfer them into small containers or palettes
-Place capless pencils into a ziplock plastic bag
-Broken powder compacts unfortunately are irreplaceable and should be tossed.

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